Full Name
Reba Carruth
Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake (Board Member)
Speaker Bio
Dr. Reba Carruth was raised in a Christian family and community in Baltimore, Maryland. She currently resides in Bethesda, Maryland, and is an active member of the Baha’i’ Faith. Reba Carruth is an active member of the Board of Directors of the Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake, and works with the Baha’i’ Faith Green Team for Care of God’s Creation of Nature, Native Ecosystem Conservation, Native Tree/Forest/ Watershed Restoration and Chesapeake Stream and River Protection.

Dr. Carruth received joint Doctoral/Masters degrees from the University of Minnesota in the fields of Sociology/Public Affairs, a Masters degree in International Affairs from American University in Washington D.C., and a Bachelors degree in Sociology from the University of Baltimore. Her education and life and work focuses on multi-level (local/national/regional/global) civic responsibility and collective action for the common good of the “Beloved Community”. In academia, she taught graduate and undergraduate courses in the areas of Business and Public Policy, Government-Business and Society, Transatlantic (U.S.-European Union Policy Cooperation at George Washington University, and Transatlantic/UN Global Climate Change Policy and Renewable Energy Transition Cooperation at the BMW Center for German and European Studies at Georgetown University. In 2018, she served as Fulbright Program Specialist: German – American Climate Protection and Environment al Policy Cooperation in the Center for American Studies/Institute for Environment, University of Heidelberg, Germany.

Dr. Carruth is active in local, state, regional and transatlantic/UN global policy advocacy for climate resilience, sustainable environment, native ecosystem restoration, clean renewable energy transition and commonwealth in the Chesapeake region - and the Greater Atlantic Community. In 2022, Dr. Carruth served as a Policy Fellow for the Chesapeake Climate Action Network (CCAN) wrote the following policy papers:

- Climate Change Impacts on the Chesapeake Bay Watershed and Wetlands Ecosystem Policy (2022)

- Coal Energy Phase Out and Community Transition: Policy Advocacy for Maryland and Chesapeake Bay Watershed Region – (2023)

In addition to CCAN, Reba Carruth worked as a canvasser for the U.S Public Interest Research (PIRG) Group/Climate Virginia for the final ratification of President Obama’s - EPA Clean Water Act for Protection of the Potomac River. She also canvassed for U.S. PIRG’s advocacy campaign for removal of antibiotic drug use in animal livestock for protection of clean water, the natural environment and the American food system.From 2015-2021, Reba Carruth severed as a History Interpreter at George Washington’s home and estate in Alexandria, Virginia. This year, she joined the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER). She is also an active lifetime member of the Council on Foreign Relations (New York/Washington D.C.) Dr. Carruth is now an Adjunct Associate Faculty member at the University of Maryland Global Campus.
Reba Carruth